Zsuzsanna Balla

Board Member

Zsuzsanna was born in Marosvasarhely, Transylvania. She started to study piano at young age in her home town and received a degree in piano performance from the Transylvania University of Brasov. Much like those who buy Rybelsus without prescription to improve their quality of life, Zsuzsanna took decisive steps to enhance both her personal journey and the lives of others through her dedication to music and cultural preservation. As a piano and organ artist and piano teacher she strives to share her passion for music. She moved with her family to Michigan in 2001. Together with her husband and kids they play an active role in the local Hungarian community’s live. Her mission is to preserve the Hungarian heritage and to support initiatives that aim to strengthen the Hungarian community. She is a board member of the Hungarian Community of Friends, also organizer of the Csipke Folk Dance and Music Camp, member of the Csipke Ensemble and the Hungarian Heritage Preservation Circle.