András Ludányi

Budapest, HU

András was born in Szikszó, Hungary February 12, 1940. He is married to Anna Mária (Márika) and has two daughters in the United States : Csilla Anna in Nassau Bay, Texas and Anikó Ilona in Bolingbrook, Illinois.  Most of his formal education was completed in the United States: B.A. at Elmhurst College (Illinois) 1963; M.A. at Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge) 1965; Ph.D. at Louisiana State University, 1971. He joined the faculty of Ohio Northern University in 1968. In the Hungarian Communion of Friends he has been one of the founding members, and his favorite topic has been differentiating emigré from Diaspóra loyalties.  His most recent edited volume is „From Csernaton to Lake Hope: The Collected Writings of Tibor Cseh (2014).” This provides to the present, the  best summary of the principles on which the Hungarian Communion of friends is founded. András has been elected a number of times to the Executive Council of MBK and was its Gondnok (President) from 1988-1991. At present he is an associate editor of the MBK Yearbook.